The cold gas dynamic spray was used to prepare the Al-Pb alloys coating on40Cr-steel substrates in this study with the mixture of pure Al powder and pure Pb powder. 采用冷喷涂技术以铝铅混合粉末为喷涂粉在基体上制备了铝铅合金涂层。
Microstructure characteristics of supersonic cold gas spray coatings 超音速冷气体动力喷涂的涂层微结构
Study on Microstructure and Properties of Copper Coatings Prepared by Cold Spray on Stainless Steel Surface 不锈钢表面冷喷涂铜涂层组织和性能研究
Shenzhen laminar flow hood FFU: the shell can use mirror stainless steel, aluminum, cold plate electrostatic spray making nice. 层流罩FFU:壳体可选用镜面不锈钢、铝合金、冷板静电喷塑制做美观大方。
Advances Research in Cold Gas Spray Technology and Coating Treatment Craftwork 冷喷涂技术及涂层处理工艺的研究进展
Another nail tip: For drying wet nail polish quickly, dip hands into ice cold water or spray nails with cooking oils. 另一个护甲窍门:要想让指甲油速干,可以把手放进冰水里,或者往指甲上喷炒菜油。
The Research on the Cold Spray Technique for Rapid Solidified Zn-Al Alloy Powder on the Magnesium Alloy and the Property of the Coat 镁合金表面冷喷涂快凝Zn-Al合金粉末及涂层性能的研究
Bonding Processes of Particles and Substrate in the Cold Spray Technology to Transform Material Property 冷喷涂材料改性技术中粒子与基板结合过程的研究
According to the current features of exploration and production of petroleum resource, the application prospect of cold spray techniques in the facilities and tools of oil/ gas drilling and production are discussed. EQUIPMENT 并结合当前油气资源勘探开发的特点,讨论了冷喷涂技术在油气钻探装备和工具中的应用前景
Cold spray techniques and its prospect of application in oil/ gas facilities 冷喷涂技术及其在油气装备中的应用展望
The Research on Gas-Solid Two-Phase Flow Shock Wave and Deposition Behavior on Metal Surface Molecular Dynamics Simulation in Cold Gas Spray 冷喷涂中的气固两相流激波及表面沉积分子动力学模拟研究
Numerical simulation of supersonic jet field in cold spray technique for material modification 冷喷涂材料改性研究中超音速冲击射流流场数值分析
Characteristics of Cold Spray Process 冷喷涂特性
Research on computational simulation of two-phase jet flow in cold spray technology for manufacture of functional coatings 冷喷涂制备功能涂层工艺中两相射流数值模拟研究
Conclusion: The method was simple, rapid and suitable for the determination of the two constituents in cold nasal spray. 结论:本法方便、快捷、准确、精密度高,适用于感冒喷雾剂的含量测定。
Characteristics and process principle of cold gas spray process were introduced briefly and deposition process of supersonic Cu particles impacting onto substrate was analyzed. 简要介绍了冷喷涂技术特点及工艺原理。
Multicenter clinical trial of zinc gluconate nasal spray and cold spray in the treatment of common cold 葡萄糖酸锌鼻用喷雾剂与感冒喷雾剂治疗感冒的随机多中心临床研究
Cold Spray Realization and Flow Analysis on the High Velocity Flame Spraying System 基于超音速火焰喷涂技术的冷喷涂技术实现与流场分析
Most metallic materials, even cermet materials can be deposited by cold spray process. 迄今的研究表明,冷喷涂可以实现大多数金属材料甚至金属陶瓷材料的沉积。
Results of the supersonic free jet and the supersonic impinging jet will be used to direct and optimize the cold spray experiments. 超音速自由射流和超音速冲击射流的计算结果将用于指导冷喷涂实验,对其进行优化。
Application of Cold-heading Technology Characteristics of Cold Spray Process 冷镦工艺的应用
The compactness of the coat by cold spray has relation with spray pressure. 冷喷涂涂层的致密性与基体表面的喷涂压力有关。
The microstructure, hardness of rapidly solidified Zn-Al powder coating on surface of magnesium alloy by cold spray method as well as the bonding strength between the coating and the matrix were investigated, and only the bonding between the coating and the matrix were understood. 对镁合金表面冷喷涂快凝Zn-Al合金粉末工艺进行了研究,观察了涂层微观组织,并分析了涂层与基体之间的结合,测定了涂层的硬度和涂层与基体的结合强度。
Cold Gas Dynamic Spray processes for the ohmic contact between Al electrode and PTC ceramics are studied. Microstructural analysis of Al electrode has been preformed by SEM techniques. 研究了冷气动力喷涂方法(CGDS)制备PTC陶瓷欧姆接触Al电极的喷涂工艺,用扫描电子显微镜分析了电极的显微结构。
The experiments have been carried on to study the producing of the Zn-Al alloy powers by using supersonic gas atomization equipments and optimizing the process of cold spray technology. Installation and Related Techniques for Fine Spheroidal Al Powders by Supersonic Gas Atomization 利用超音速气体雾化装置制备了系列快凝Zn-Al合金粉末,研究了粉末特征;超音速气体雾化微细球形铝粉生产线及雾化技术
The results show that the grain size of produced ZA20, ZA27 alloy powder for cold spray is homogeneous, and the phase of the coat is equal axis crystal. 研究结果表明,制备的冷喷涂用ZA20、ZA27合金快凝粉末粒度分布均匀,组织为细小的等轴晶;
The cold spray tests showed the spray cone is hollow. 冷态测试用喷嘴雾锥呈空心分布。
The study used cold spray coating technology to prepare the NiCoCrAlY/ ZrO2metal-ceramic composite coating on steel substrate and design the scheme of laser remelting processing adopting laser output power and laser scanning rate as the variables of laser processing parameters. 本文用冷喷涂制备涂层技术在钢基体上制备了NiCoCrAlY/ZrO2金属陶瓷复合涂层,并设计了激光重熔处理方案,采用激光输出功率和激光扫描速率作为激光处理参数变量,对其进行激光重熔处理。
Supersonic cold gas spray is a new coating process which has many good attributes and it has attracted attentions from scholars in and abroad. 超音速冷喷涂是一种新型的表面涂层制备方法,具有诸多优点,得到了国内外学者的广泛关注。